Depression and anxiety can be very confusing and frustrating for children and young people. Around 80% of children in the UK will suffer some sort of poor mental health throughout their childhood. Our trainers are fully equipped with great experiences, learning tools and the compassion to teach your employees structured awarness. With good awarness your staff team can quickly reduce heightened behaviours, set up constructive PBM plans and improve enablement.
Children with neurological disorders can sometimes be so misunderstood. These disorders can stay with them into adulthood. It is vital children with these disorders get the help and support they need early in life. It is also vital Parents, Residential Staff and Proffessionals gain good awareness in order to give the right help at the right time.
Childrens minds can be very vunerable after trauma. Trauma can have a lifelong effect if not identified and supported. Trauma comes in all different shapes and sizes. Our trainers have first hand experiences and lifetime dedication to awarness in child trama. Taking trainees through causes of trauma, the emotional effects of bullying, identifying behaviours and coping strategies
Our trainers have been dedicated to working with children in care for over twenty years. We now believe we can give you the very best insights into how being in care effects childrens minds. The importance of unconditional love, attachment and detachment disorders, the effects of multiple placements, are some of the subjects we look into.